Friday, April 21, 2006

You know, I've had sort of an epiphany of late. I revel in epiphanies, because as I age, they are fewer and further between.

This all came about because I forgot something that I was supposed to remember. It was a few weeks ago, and I've since forgotten whatever it was...again. I remember the incident because the males of the house, by whom I am woefully outnumbered at times like these, teased me unmercifully about having forgotten this...this...whatever it was. All of them usually claim that my memory is the best in the house, and rely on me not only to remember the general things, providing sustenance and clean laundry, but I also am expected to know where whatever they may be searching for is, at any given moment. This memory is also supposed to hold detailed information about appointments, school activities, infinitesimal bits of trivia. I'm supposed to remember all this stuff, because these three men are admittedly incapable of doing so.

And...lately, I've been slipping. I was pondering the slippage and a lot of possibilities came to me. But this is the one that I grabbed onto...All the little things one has to remember build up after a while...And sooner or later, that steel trap in one's mind gets full. After a while of having that trap overflowing, some of the stuff at the bottom of the thing starts to poke through, putting holes just big enough in the trap for memories to seep through. It's anybody's guess where they end up.

Now, my epiphany (Remember, I was talking about an epiphany?) is about my mind, and it is this: What once was a steel trap from which nothing escaped, is now a teflon coated sieve, to which nothing sticks and through which everything passes.

I had to write it down, because goodness knows where this thought will be in an hour or so...


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