Tuesday, September 13, 2005

What the hell am I thinkin'?

I haven't put any of my musings in print for ages. This could get scary. Forgive me for being scattered and out of practice. To think, I used to write all the time...It was a way to pass time for a confused, nerdy and unusual teenager then. There wasn't much else to do back then in that three stop light town. So I got pretty good at it, fancied myself becoming a writer who actually got paid, even went to college with that intention. I lost my motivation, and soon after the money...and 20 or so years later, here I sit...Not where I thought I'd be at forty, not where I intended to be at forty. It's been an interesting journey, not altogether bad or good, but a fair mix of both enough to remind me I am alive.


At 1:06 PM, Blogger Arkansawyer said...

Aww.. I reckon as how even the "slowest" of us can find something worth writing about, and I reckon you'll do as good as the next guy.... and probly better than most.

At 2:25 PM, Blogger Arkansawyer said...

You know... some of us what ain't got no common sense get plumb baffled when they start reading some of these deep thoughts that folks keep spewing about on this here innernet thang. Pleeze, whutever you do, pleeze keep thangs simple. All righty? Hokee dokee?


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